Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hurry up and wait

Right now, my life is in the waiting room, This picture of Matt pretty much sums up my feelings about it. Right now I'm waiting, exhausted, ready to go already. Dad had his contrast MRI done yesterday, but we still havent gotten any test results. Trust me, that has nothing to do with a lack of nagging on mom's part. If I know her well, she has called the doctor, called the doctor, and called that damn doctor again. I don't blame her. I'd do the same for sure. Dad was wore out from the test yesterday, but from what mom has told me he is feeling better today. Like I said, we are all sitting in Life's waiting room, and when we get called back, I'll be sure to keep everyone updated.

I also want to say thanks for everyone's concern. It means a lot. Keep sending Dad good mojo :)


Nilla said...

I honestly hope everything turns out OK for your dad. Love ya hon'

Rachel said...

Thanks darlin! I love you too, sugar britches. Can't wait to see you again. :)

Anonymous said...

and a bunch of prayers!