Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ya vo, motherfucker, ya vo

Life has a way of teaching you what matters. Wednesday was a bitch of a day. The jeep broke down at the gas station. Amazingly, Glen Ramo pops up out of nowhere, insults my intellegence once or twice, as usual, then offers me a ride home. Once in the van he decides he's rather drive me to my parents house. Wtf?? Anyway, the point is that it was the day before payday and something was happenning that was gonna eat my entire fuckin check as usual. I was pissed, but strangely not as much as I would have expected. Subconcious preparation for what was to come.

Then Thursday decided to teach me how shit can really suck. I don't want to go into a lot of details because its hard for me to talk about it, but while I was eating at Cracker Barrel Thursday, smoking a cigarette, sipping a coke, thinking "life could be worse", it did get worse. I got a call from my mom telling me to drive to Mission and meet her there, "Dad has a brain tumor". That'll get a bitch moving.

We don't know a lot about dads tumor, and just typing "dads tumor" makes me want to vomit. From here on out we'll just call it "about to get its ass kicked", since I am trying to remain positive, or Atgiak for short. They let dad home for the weekend. Ever since 3:32 pm on Thursday, I have wanted to be around him non-stop, and without having my car out of the shop that hasn't been possible. We'll know more on Monday when dad has a contrast MRI to get a better look at Atgiak. He will probably be sent to a larger hospital than Mission to kick atgiak's ass.

I'm not one to cry my sorrows from the rooftop, but I am blogging about this because only the people closest to me have access to this blog so I figure you guys should know whats going on. I dont give a damn what your particular spiritual beliefs are but please send whatever good mojo you can muster up to my dad. He doesn't deserve this shit.

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