Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's been a while

With the new facebook layout, which sucks hardcore, I realized that I have not updated my blog at all this year!

2009 has not been the best year. As usual, everything seemed to be going fine until February. Then I found out that I was pregnant, had a miscarriage, and Matt was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It would take me forever to try to catch up on everything that I want to write about, and I will get to that stuff in later posts. Soon. Until then, here are some pics of us trying to be happy and normal amidst life's shit storm. Enjoy :)

January- Before my pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. Way before cancer.

February: After miscarriage. Matt with Elena.

With Gina, Mid February Post miscarriage, pre-Matt's cancer.

March 13. Right before Matt's surgery

March 24. Post-surgery, Pre- Chemo at the Peace Center
Thanks to Liz and Benjie :)


MDH said...

Love you guys. You've been through some shit. Miss you on FB, but yeah, it sucks Donkey Balls.

liz pruett said...


i also need your email so i can actually keep in touch with you.... and so you can send me the pic of all 4 of us. :)

hope you guys are doing well and please don't disappear!