Thursday, November 27, 2008

16 Things About Me

Me, during a rendition of "Vogue" by Madonna. This was performed in the back seat of Debi's car. See #15.

At Kitho's suggestion, here are 16 things you may or may not already know about me. Of course, I'm not gonna tell you the juicy stuff, because that would just be too embarrassing. But I will do my best to try to keep in kinda interesting.

  1. I have always been the type of person who has two or three very close friends and many aquintances. I have a lot of numbers stored on my cell phone but I only actually use about 5 of them. I would rather spend my time developing a tight relationship with someone than have a gazillion friends and not have the time to really get to know any of them that well. I feel like it would be a waste of my time and there. This is something that has caused me a lot of trouble in life. Every time I switched schools or jobs, in never made close friends with most of the people around me and I am often thought to be a bitch.

  2. If I could have any kind of pet imaginable, I would want a small furry elephant. It would be about the size of a cocker spaniel. Short fur like a Jack Russell.

  3. The farthest north I have ever travelled was to Detroit. The farthest south I have ever travelled was to Florida. The farthest west i have ever travelled was to Texas and the farthest east I have ever travelled was to the outer banks of North Carolina.I have never been on a plane.

  4. I do not know how to swim. I have always had this stupid idea that if I were in a situation where I had to swim or die, the ability to swim would just come to me.

  5. I have a bad habit of quoting song lyrics.

  6. I love Schlotsky's and I cried (ok, I had PMS, but they were real tears) when all of the Schlotsky's in WNC closed in one day.

  7. I never forget a birthday. I even know the birthdays of some people that died before I was born.

  8. I was making out with a guy for the first time (not my first time ever, my first time making out with that guy, silly) when Princess Diana died and I was at the gynocologists office when the planes hit the World Trade Center. Weird. Even weirder, the guy that I was making out with when Princess Di died was in the waiting room at my gyno's office and watched the planes hit on the TV there. I couldn't hear anything that day, and was totally oblivious, locked in an exam room.

  9. I know this is bad for my skin, but I have to have both hands on my face in order to fall asleep.

  10. I was sent to the principals office once in my entire public school career. A girl (who shall remain nameless) started crying and ran back into the school during recess. I chased after her to comfort her. I got in deep shit, she got in no trouble at all.

  11. I am obsessed with my day planner and could not live without it. I tried a Palm Pilot, but there is just something about having it all in my own handwriting. I love looking back at the old ones.

  12. I have tried to play more musical instruments than I can count. Clarinet. Piano. Guitar. Violin. The list goes on. Music is obviously not my thing. Sorry, Mom and Dad, for all the money you shelled out before I figured that out. And thank you for always letting me know that it was ok to quit, that I would find something I enjoyed and felt like I was good at if i just kept looking.

  13. I shaved my head November 26, 2006. Just realized typing this that today is the two year anniversary. I did it WAY before Britney Spears and I warned my family ahead of time so they wouldnt think that I had gone insane. It was just something that I always wanted to do and it was one of the most liberating experiences of my life.

  14. When I was in 6th grade I shoved bubble gum in my best friends hair. I was old enough to know better and I wasn't mad at her. I have no idea what made me do it. I spent hours trying to get it out. I still feel guilty.

  15. I sing in the car, loudly. I used to limit this to when I was in the car alone, but now I do it pretty much anywhere. Give me a drink and a willing partner or audience and I will belt out pretty much anything. I am NOT a good singer. It's like a mad American Idol audition. I love to sing and really hope that one day I wake up, speak, and my voice sounds like Whitney Houston. That would make me happier than you can imagine.

  16. I didn't get the chicken pox until I was 16 and it was hell. I had been exposed a gazillion times and was beginning to think that I was immune. My brother came home from kindergarten the day before Christmas break started and he had them. It took about two weeks, but then I got them. Because of that I can no longer use Aveeno or Dial products without wanting to vomit.

If you stuck around for all 16, than thank you! Hope you enjoyed this :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I LOVE SCHLOTSKY'S TOO!!! "Funny Name. Serious Sandwich" I was so pissed when they closed. If I'm ever visiting somewhere that has one I HAVE to stop and eat there!! I love my day planner too. I just got a new one for myself and have not put it down yet. ...& yes, I went through the piano, flute & the clarinet (our poor parents).