Monday, November 3, 2008

In between expressions

I have never been a photogenic person. Just look at my third grade school picture and that's proof enough that I've never been a star in front of the camera.

What really gets me though, is that I always seem to get caught by the camera in between facial expressions. I'm always the girl that looks half happy/half sad. Here is a great pic that was taken at my cousin Jessie's wedding last weekend. I was the Maid of Honor. Can you even believe how I can ruin hours spent on hair and make-up with just one snap of the lense?

Scary, huh?

And now, here is what I like to think I really look like all the time :)

Someone please tell me that I am not the only one that gets screwed by the camera almost every time it is pointed my way.

1 comment:

Megan said...

...we all know that I have been captured during "awkward" moments... (I'm still so embarrassed)