Thursday, November 6, 2008

Back in My Day (dedicated to Abi)

Does anyone else remember phony bologna? It was bubble gum that was shaped like bologna and came in a pack that looked like an Oscar Meyer package.

What about the hot dog shaped bubble gum?

Remember when they sold candy cigarettes and you weren't considered a lousy parent if you bought them for your kid?

I remember in 1989 when my Aunt Kathy dressed as a "woman of the 90's" for Halloween.

My little brother thought I was kidding when I told him that Michael Jackson was once black.

Was anyone else the first kid to get on the bus in the morning and the last kid to get off the bus in the afternoon?

I have been driving for 11 years. I remember when I had 11 years to go before I could get my license.

Not to sound like that "Strawberry Wine" song, but I still remember when 30 was old. Wait a minute. 30 still seems old, it's just not far away anymore.

It used to be really taboo to talk about maxi pads or tampons.

I think I was the last person in my class to figure out what the hell a "BJ" was.

As a child, I wondered if Ronald Reagan and Ronald McDonald were related.

Remember what Chelsea Clinton looked like when Bill was inaugurated the first time?

I was working on a topographical play-doh map of North Carolina when the first President Bush turned Operation Desert Shield into a war by changing the name to "Operation Desert Storm." The principal at my school played "Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood on the intercom every day after the morning announcements.

My dad had matching Chevelles. One black, one white, both had red interior.

When did leaves changing colors become exciting??

Remember when sex in the back seat of a car sounded like a fun idea instead of a recipe for a backache?

My grandmother didn't have a water hose and we had to fill the kiddie pool with gallon jugs each summer. This is a great way to make your kids want to keep the pool clean.

I still have my Cabbage Patch Kid. I won't tell you the date on it's butt, but it's hair is still screwed up from riding to Gramma's on the back of dad's Harley.

I used to get annoyed that Mom could never leave the house without making a trip back inside to get something she had forgotten. That's me now, and I embrace it, though it annoys others.

I figured all cars would have doors that open up instead of out by now.

One day I'll look back on this. Hopefully when I am 60 something. Then I'll really have good reason to feel old.

(Note to my future self: You aren't old. Oprah said 50 was the new 30, so in Oprah years, you are only 40 something :b By the way, in case you don't remember, Oprah Winfrey hosted a very popular talk show back in your day. It's probably available on DVD somewhere, if they still make those.)


Nilla said...

girl you are old...but the sad thing about it all is the fact that I am even older than you...
Remembering when 30 was old...honey I still feel like 30 is old and I am 31.
And the phony bologna...I loved that shit and the bubble gum shaped like a sandwich and I remember not wanting to try the hot dog one thinking that hot dog flavored gum wouldn't be very good at all. But I finally did try it and when I found out it tasted like bubble gum I became addicted. And for me and Natalie candy cigarettes were a must. I used to "smoke" Pall Malls and Natalie always had "Chesterfields"...OMG and the cartoons...I remember running around my baby sitters yard with her son (who was also my boy toy at the time) pretending to be Transformers, He Man or whatever...Yep I am high...I will talk to you later girl.

Megan said...

YES! I was thinking the same thing about the gum that was shaped like a cheeseburger...

I LOVED THIS ENTRY! I smiled all the way through it thinking about my own memories!! ...this is why I "follow" you!

Rachel said...

Steven, Thank god you remember phony bologna!! No one else does and I think people were starting to think that I made that up. Miss you, Call me :)

Megan, do you remember the thermometer on your big lar's jacket zipper? We used to drive him insane trying to check the temp on his jacket all the time in PE.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, I just love reading your blog! I don't remember phony bologna either, but I do remember the hotdogs. It's great to think back on things sometimes.

Rachel said...

Thanks Norma :)

Rachel said...

Norma, I can't look at your blog anymore :( Could you send me an invite?

Anonymous said...

yeah, what's your email?

Anonymous said...

Here you've had a post dedicated to me up for almost a week and I still haven't commented. So:

You were my one friend who was up on pop culture. So I remember when you told me about Michael Jackson's skin-bleaching treatments and I thought you were nuts.

I got in trouble once for passing a note in class that used the word "maxi pads."

There is no way you were the last person to know what a BJ was, because I'm pretty sure you're the one who told me.

Remember when Ivy Cappell was all Young Republican about Bill Clinton?

And OH MY STARS the "Proud to Be an American" song - I was just telling Aaron about that, and how much I despised listening to it every morning after "morning announcements." I still know it by heart, these - what, 18? yikes - years later.

How about: Remember spending hours upon hours on the phone, and "Have You Seen Her?", and back when we thought the mark of a great novel was a black paperback cover with shiny red letters, and we were going to write the next bestselling thriller? Where has the time gone??

Rachel said...


I remember all that stuff! I wasn't going to specifically "out" you about the maxi-pad note, but that is what I was referring to in my post.:) Yes I can still get the tune of "Have you seen her" in my head in about 1 second. Sadly enough, I actually thought Michael Jackson's skin bleaching was a rumor for a while, but I am afraid the truth is all too evident now. Amy may kill me for this, but she was the one who told me what a BJ was (she was the first to give one out), so if you heard it from me, then I was the second to last person to know, since I passed that knowledge on to you. No wonder Lamar never seemed like my biggest fan, lol :) And you would have thought Bill Clinton was paying Ivy! She really had the campaign spirit going for a kid in 6th grade. I very much remember our plans to be the youngest authors ever to publish the best thriller ever. And sometimes I wish I could find a friend who would play whatever I wanna hear on the piano over the phone for hours! I miss that :)

Has it really been that long?